Wednesday, March 18, 2015

4 more uses

One regular chicken soup, one matzoh ball soup, dixie fried cod,  and beef and mushroom stroganoff.

Total Le Creuset uses to date:  26

Cost per use:  $15.34

Sunday, March 1, 2015


The latest food craze that I've heard about is Brodo, which is simply "broth" in Italian.  Apparently people are discovering the wonderful goodness that is homemade chicken, beef or vegetable broth.  Well, I for one, have been making Brodo for at least 30 years, nothing new to me.  The frugality of using leftover chicken carcass or beef bones when on sale appeals to me in a great way.  And homemade broths make the best soups, stews, etc.

Total Le Creuset uses to date:  22
Cost per uses:  $22.73

Beef Chuck Roast

I've cooked a couple of chuck roasts in my day.

Total uses to date:  21
Cost per use:  $23.81